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Strix Unreal SDK 1.4.0 Release Notification

Thank you for your continued use of the Strix Cloud!
The Strix Unreal SDK 1.4.0 has been released.
You can read all about these fixes in the release notes below.

■About the Update

Strix Unreal SDK 1.4.0

・Strix now supports UE 4.25.

・Fixed the bug that caused the compiler to fail.

・Fixed a bug where the StrixReplicatorComponent would crash in specific situations.

・Made improvements to the movement synchronization processing.

・Changed the default movement synchronization setting to “Sync Properties”.

・Made it so that StrixNetworkIds can be sent as RPC arguments.

・Changed the destination of the StrixReplicator Type ID Config file to DefaultGameStrixTypes.ini.

・Fixed a bug that caused the SetProperty function in the StrixBlueprintFunctionLibrary to not work properly on Android.

For users who have implemented Blueprints, etc. in UE 4.24, you should be able to transfer them over to UE 4.25 with out any issues, but please note that it may be necessary to reassemble the Blueprints depending on certain the situations, as we have also made changes to the API changed in UE 4.25.

If you haven’t already created a Strix Cloud account yet, click here to create one.

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