Logging System

Strix has its own logging system. Strix classes use them to log what happened inside the SDK. You can also use the Strix logging system to log events from your own scripts.

The logging system is controlled by the LogManager singleton.


Strix’s logging classes and value types resides in the namespace SoftGear.Strix.Net.Logging. You will need to add the following using directive to use the Strix logging system.

using SoftGear.Strix.Net.Logging;

Log Level

During development and debugging, it can be useful to raise the log level of debug messages. In order to do this, change the value of LogManager.Instance.Filter. It is an enum of type Level, and the available options (ordered from less severe to more severe) are as follows:


Logged events


Specific, detailed steps of functions


Information useful for error debugging


Normal application behavior information


Unexpected behavior


Non-fatal errors


Fatal errors


As in other logging systems, if you set Filter to a particular log level, all events that are more severe than the specified level are also logged.

Logs from your scripts

You can not only filter the messages from the SDK but also use Logger class to output your own messages, and they will be filtered as well. There are several Logger instances, which are categorized in the nature of logs. To log your own messages, you first have to get an appropriate logger for use. Each logger is identified by a name, and you can use the following method of LogManager to get one.

bool FindLogger(string name, out Logger logger)

You can find available loggers by calling GetLoggers() as follows:

var availableLoggerNames = LogManager.Instance.GetLoggers().Keys;

Most useful loggers for your own scripts are perhaps “StrixBehaviour” and “StrixReplicator”.

After you’ve received the logger reference, you can use it to output messages to the log:

// string
logger.Warning("Something bad happened.");

// delegate
public string MyLoggingFunc()
    return "Something bad happened.";

Note that the Logger has methods other than Warning whose names correspond to available log levels.

You can also use the Log method that takes a level as an argument.

logger.Log(Level.WARNING, "Something bad happened");
logger.Log(Level.WARNING, MyLoggingFunc);

Checking a log level

Logger has another useful method to check if some specific log level is currently enabled.

bool IsLogEnabled(Level logLevel)
if (logger.IsLogEnabled(Level.DEBUG))
    foreach (var node in searchResult.Result.GetModelCollection())
        logger.Debug("Node " + node.GetUid() + " " + node.GetHost() + ":" + node.GetPort() + " " + node.GetProtocol() + " " + node.GetNodeType());