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RoomProperties Class

Data class used to set room properties.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SoftGear.Strix.Unity.Runtime
Assembly:  StrixUnityRuntime (in StrixUnityRuntime.dll) Version: 1.5.0
public class RoomProperties

The RoomProperties type exposes the following members.

Public methodRoomProperties
Initializes a new instance of the RoomProperties class
Public propertycapacity
Maximum number of room members. This value gets clamped to [minRoomCapacity, maxRoomCapacity] range as configured on the server. If not specified, 4 is used by default.
You can set the capacity when creating a match room or change it later using SetRoom if you are the room's owner.
Public propertyisJoinable
Determines if new players are allowed to join the room; by default.
You can make the room unjoinable when creating it or change the joinability later using SetRoom if you are the room's owner.
Public propertykey1
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertykey2
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertykey3
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertykey4
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertykey5
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertykey6
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertykey7
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertykey8
An arbitrary double value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertyname
The name of the room.
You can set the name when creating the room or change it later using SetRoom if you are the room's owner.
Public propertypassword
Room entry password. If set, new players must provide a matching password to join the room. Empty by default.
You can set the password when creating a match room or change it later using SetRoom if you are the room's owner.
Public propertyproperties
A dictionary of custom properties. Can be used to store any data related to the room. These properties are not available for search.
Public propertystate
An integer value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Public propertystringKey
An arbitrary string value that can be used for application's own purposes.
Use this to define match room parameters such as room name, maximum number of members, password, etc. You can also define custom values key1, ..., key8, and stringKey that can be used later in a condition for SearchRoom.
See Also