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StrixNetwork Class

Strix Network high-level API entry point class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SoftGear.Strix.Unity.Runtime
Assembly:  StrixUnityRuntime (in StrixUnityRuntime.dll) Version: 1.5.0
public class StrixNetwork

The StrixNetwork type exposes the following members.

Public propertyapplicationId
Application unique identifier. This value should be set before connecting to the master server. You can find it on the Information tab of the Dashboard on the Strix Cloud web page.
Public propertyauthorizationAccessToken
Authorization access token. If not null or empty, used to authorize this client when connecting to the match room server.
To use it you should also provide a valid authorization server URL to JoinRoom(RoomJoinArgs, RoomJoinEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig) through RoomJoinArgs.
Public propertyautoInstantiateReplica
Determines if game objects should be automatically created from replicas when joined to a match room.
Public propertyStatic memberinstance
StrixNetwork object singleton reference.
Public propertyStatic memberisInitialized
if StrixNetwork instance is initialized; otherwise.
Public propertyisRoomOwner
if you are the owner of the currently joined room (if any); otherwise.
Public propertymasterSession
Master server session.
Public propertyNetworkInstances
Public propertyplayerName
Player name.
Public propertyroom
Information about the room you are currently a member of.
Public propertyroomMembers
A list of all members in the current match room.
Public propertyroomSession
Room server session.
Public propertyselfRoomMember
Information about your own match room member.
Public propertysortedRoomMembers
A list of all members in the current match room sorted by primary key.
Public methodCode exampleConnectMasterServer(String, StrixNetworkConnectEventHandler, StrixNetworkConnectFailedEventHandler)
Establishes a connection with a master server on port 9122.
Public methodCode exampleConnectMasterServer(String, Int32, StrixNetworkConnectEventHandler, StrixNetworkConnectFailedEventHandler)
Establishes a connection with a master server.
Public methodCode exampleCreateRoom(IDictionaryString, Object, IDictionaryString, Object, RoomCreateEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Creates a new room with the given properties and immediately joins it.
Public methodCode exampleCreateRoom(IDictionaryString, Object, String, RoomCreateEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Creates a new room with the given properties and immediately joins the room as the owner with the given player name.
Public methodCode exampleCreateRoom(RoomProperties, RoomMemberProperties, RoomCreateEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Creates a new room with the given properties and immediately joins the room as the owner with the given member properties.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteRoom
Deletes a match room.
Public methodCode exampleDestroy
Closes the connections to both master and room servers if any of them were open and destroys StrixNetworkBehaviour gameObject.
Public methodDisconnectMasterServer
Closes the connection to the master server if it is open.
Public methodGetRoomMembers
Requests the information about match room members.
Public methodCode exampleJoinRandomRoom(RoomMemberProperties, RoomJoinEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Joins a random match room.
Public methodCode exampleJoinRandomRoom(String, RoomJoinEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Joins a random match room.
Public methodCode exampleJoinRoom(RoomJoinArgs, RoomJoinEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Joins a match room.
Public methodCode exampleJoinRoom(String, Int32, String, Int64, String, RoomJoinEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Joins a match room.
Public methodKickRoomMember
Forcibly removes a member from the match room.
Public methodCode exampleLeaveRoom(RoomLeaveEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Leaves the match room this client is currently a member of (if any).
Public methodLeaveRoom(Int64, RoomLeaveEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Leaves the match room this client is currently a member of (if any).
Public methodRespawnReplicas
Respawns game objects from replicas.
Public methodSearchJoinableRoom(Int32, Int32, RoomSearchEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Starts an asynchronous search for match rooms that have enough room for joining. After search is complete handler callback is invoked with a list of found rooms.
Public methodSearchJoinableRoom(ICondition, Order, Int32, Int32, RoomSearchEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Starts an asynchronous search for match rooms that have enough room for joining and match the given criteria. After search is complete handler callback is invoked with a list of found rooms.
Public methodSearchRoom(Int32, Int32, RoomSearchEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Starts an asynchronous search for match rooms. After search is complete handler callback is invoked with a list of found rooms.
Public methodCode exampleSearchRoom(ICondition, Int32, Int32, RoomSearchEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Starts an asynchronous search for match rooms that meet the given criteria. After search is complete handler callback is invoked with a list of found rooms.
Public methodCode exampleSearchRoom(ICondition, Order, Int32, Int32, RoomSearchEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Starts an asynchronous ordered search for match rooms that meet the given criteria. After search is complete handler callback is invoked with a list of found rooms.
Public methodSendRoomDirectRelay(RoomDirectRelayMessage, RoomDirectRelayEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Sends a relay message to a match room member using RoomDirectRelayMessage.
Public methodSendRoomDirectRelay(UID, Object, RoomDirectRelayEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Sends a relay message to a match room member.
Public methodSendRoomRelay(Object, RoomRelayEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Sends a relay message to all match room members.
Public methodSendRoomRelay(RoomRelayMessage, RoomRelayEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Sends a relay message to all match room members using RoomRelayMessage.
Public methodCode exampleSetRoom(Int64, RoomProperties, RoomSetEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Changes the properties of an existing match room.
Public methodCode exampleSetRoom(Int64, IDictionaryString, Object, RoomSetEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Changes the properties of an existing match room.
Public methodSetRoomMember(Int64, RoomMemberProperties, RoomMemberSetEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Public methodSetRoomMember(Int64, IDictionaryString, Object, RoomMemberSetEventHandler, FailureEventHandler, RequestConfig)
Changes properties of your room member.
Public eventroomSessionClosed
Event fired when the room server connection gets closed.
See Also