Synchronization Events

Some network events pertain to a specific Actor. It is useful to know when these events occur.

The Strix Replicator Component provides events under its Events tab on the Details panel. Clicking on these events will add the event to the Actor Blueprint. These events will be called when the Actor receives the notification for this event.


This is separate from, and does not require, the Strix Notification Listener.

On Init

Called when the network object of this Actor is initialized.
Before On Sync Begin.

On Destroy

Called when the network object of this Actor is destroyed, and just before the Actor is destroyed by Strix.
After On Sync End.

On Sync Begin

Called once the network object of this Actor is ready to Sync.
If the Actor is a replica Actor, the Actor has been created and will be enabled after this event completes.
This is the best place to register RPCs (See Remote Procedure Calls).

On Sync End

Currently Unused
Called when the network object is no longer being synced. Updates to replicated properties are no longer reflected to clients.

On Ownership Received

Called when the network object has been given an owning player, i.e., when this Actor’s owner has changed.


Strix functionality only works in Blueprints. Components do not work with Actors that have no Blueprints (static world Actors). You should always make sure to add components and make your changes within an Actor’s Blueprint only.